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About The Blog

In times like these more than ever, the most routine question I find myself asking is, ‘how can I bring joy to others?’ 

I am currently mother to over 50 plants, and besides the vast amounts of knowledge I’ve acquired for each of them, I have also learned something possibly even more important about plant care: if you let them, they can also take care of you. 

Some of my darkest days have been alleviated by simply beginning my daily plant care routine. The majesty of an unfurling new leaf, the awe of a plant flowering for the first time (bonus points if you didn’t know it could!), and the pride in admiring a bushy and happy plant that you yourself have cared for so well! They truly are a shining star in a dark void. Did you know that caring for your plants daily can help you to better care for yourself? Water, sunlight, happy environment. Watering my plants ALWAYS makes me thirsty. Going outside to repot a rapidly growing philodendron means getting your own dose of sunshine (and in the PNW that sunlight can be fleeting), and finally, if you’re not happy in your own pot (home), you won’t be able to thrive. Caring for our plants teaches us to care for ourselves. Caring for my plants has taught me to care for myself.

Because of this, I have realized that, despite a mishmash career of all things customer service for the past 15 years, I have still found myself dissatisfied with my work. Working for an ophthalmology clinic most recently, I began to realize that though I truly enjoyed helping people one-on-one, I wanted to bring sunshine to others on a much larger scale.

Flash forward to me on any given day, gazing at my foliage and observing everyone for changes. This led me to consider the countless others who just cannot stop loving on their plant babies. Then I thought of all the times I just didn’t know what was wrong with an ailing plant...heading to google can be traumatizing when you’re uncertain about a new or sick houseplant. You can find any answer you need, but every single source has a different recommendation. what if I was able to help in crafting more complete care guides for different plant species? I’ve decided to cultivate a comprehensive source on common houseplants. I will offer my own experiences to other plant parents in need, help people figure out how to troubleshoot their own plants, and TWIST: I love to paint. I’m not here for watercolor tutorials or to teach anyone how to paint, but I can showcase the plants I have, offer you portraits of your favorite little babes, and help you identify exactly which white and green pothos you picked up from the grocery store.

So please, grab a pot, stick your fingers in the soil, and let me help you love yourself.

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So, Who Is She?

Devan is an eccentric mother of plants who enjoys watercolor painting, lengthy road trips, and falling down rabbit holes. If she's not observing her favorite plants or listening to a true crime podcast, you can find her knitting shawls for her sisters. She grew up in Pennsylvania, but has travelled throughout the US and has presently found a home in Tacoma, WA.

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